Ontario Issues Invitations to Apply for Masters and PhD Graduate Streams

 In News

Date: June 6, 2023

In an exciting development for prospective students, the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) has issued invitations to apply for the highly sought-after Masters and PhD Graduate streams. The invitations were sent to potential candidates in the Expression of Interest system pool who meet the qualifying criteria.

To be eligible for the Masters Graduate stream, candidates were required to have a score of 46 and above. Similarly, the PhD Graduate stream invitations were exclusively extended to candidates with a score of 42 and above. These stringent criteria ensure that only the most promising and deserving candidates are selected for these academic opportunities.

Candidates who received an invitation to apply on June 6, 2023, are encouraged to review the specific requirements outlined on the Masters Graduate or PhD Graduate stream pages. It is essential for applicants to thoroughly review the document checklists for their respective streams to ensure they have all the mandatory documents in order.

To commence the application process, candidates are requested to access the OINP e-Filing Portal and click on the newly generated file number, denoted by the prefixes NMAS or NPHD. It is crucial to note that the application file number differs from the Expression of Interest (EOI) file number. Candidates should not be alarmed if the EOI file number (EOI-NMAS-XXXXXX or EOI-NPHD-XXXXXX) appears grayed out, as this is not an error but a regular occurrence.

The OINP advises applicants who have received an invitation to apply not to contact the program directly, as all the necessary information and guidance can be found on the dedicated stream pages and document checklists.

These invitations mark a significant milestone for individuals seeking to pursue advanced studies in Ontario, Canada. The Masters and PhD Graduate streams offer a unique opportunity to receive a world-class education and contribute to Ontario’s thriving academic community.

Prospective candidates who have received invitations are encouraged to complete their applications promptly, ensuring that all the required information and documents are provided accurately. The OINP looks forward to welcoming exceptional students who will enrich Ontario’s educational landscape with their diverse perspectives and talents.

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program remains committed to facilitating the immigration process for highly skilled individuals and promoting the province as a hub for academic excellence.


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