Canada Invited 5,500 Candidates Through Express Entry
Canada Invited 5,500 Candidates Through Express Entry.
How to Increase the Chances of being invited to apply through Express Entry.
If you received a Canadian degree, diploma, or certificate and completed any part of your program of study or training between March 2020 and August 2022, you are now eligible for Canadian educational credential points with programs you completed through: Distance learning, studying from outside of Canada, or part-time studies.
It is essential for you to update your Express Entry profile to increase your chances of being invited to apply through Express Entry.
Using a Points-Based System.
The Comprehensive Ranking System is a point-based system that we use to rank candidates in the pool (CRS). They choose the top candidates from the pool and invite them to apply for permanent residence.
Each invitation is either posted online at the time of invitation or through the Express Entry System to invite candidate from the pool.
Ministerial Instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry system #237– January 11, 2023
source: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry/submit-profile/rounds-invitations.html
Check the complete Ministerial Instruction here:
Some instructions include:
1. Invitation round’s date and time
2. The number of candidates who will be invited to submit an application
3. Which immigration program(s) are included in the round
Check your score and use this information to determine your chances of advancing to the next round.