Government achieves goal of 431,645 permanent residents
Government achieves goal of 431,645 permanent residents
The Quickest recoveries from the pandemic.
Canada has achieved one of the quickest recoveries from the pandemic, mostly due to our immigration policy. Immigrants improve our society and economy by contributing economically, fostering employment growth, and patronizing local businesses. In 2022, the Canadian government planned to welcome 431 645 new permanent citizens in recognition of their value.
The most number of immigrants in the history.
The Hon. Sean Fraser, Canada’s Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship, made the announcement that the country had reached its target earlier today.This is the most number of immigrants ever accepted in a single year in Canadian history. Prior to establishing a new record for admissions in 2021, Canada last admitted such a huge number of immigrants in 1913.
5.2 Million applications for PR.
Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) employees continue to lift the processing bar, which has allowed for this amazing achievement. By the end of 2022, IRCC will have processed over 5.2 million applications for citizenship, permanent residency, and temporary residence. That is twice as many applications as were processed in 2021.
Immigration as the crucial component.
To keep up with the remarkable influx of newcomers, the Immigration and Refugee Protection Commissioner’s Office (IRCC) has increased its capacity, embraced innovative technologies, accelerated the processing of applications, and moved more procedures online.All of these reforms to Canada’s immigration system are significant and will position us well for the future. In order to continue welcoming record-breaking numbers of newcomers, IRCC has increased its resources, adopted new technologies, accelerated processing, and digitized additional processes.
In 2022, the Canadian government planned to welcome 431 645 new permanent citizens. Canada has met this goal, surpassing our previous record from 2021. This is the most number of immigrants ever accepted in a single year in Canadian history. Immigrants enhance communities and contribute to our economy.