Canadian Immigration Launches the Atlantic Immigration Program
Through the Atlantic Immigration Pilot, Canada was able to welcome more than 12,700 newcomers across the region that helped not just strengthen the community but helped the business succeed as well. Since 2017, all participating employers have made more than 9,800 job offers in major sectors that include health care, manufacturing as well as accommodations, and food services; 90% of these applicants continue to live in the region even after a year. This proves the resilient and welcoming nature of the Atlantic Canadian communities.
March 4, 2022 – Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada, Sean Fraser publicized that applications for a permanent Atlantic Immigration Program that was launched over the weekend. Immigration candidates may now be able to submit their application for permanent residence through the new permanent program given that the said candidates hold a valid endorsement from an Atlantic Canadian business. Through this program, Atlantic provinces will be helped to attract more skilled workers to come and fuel the economic recovery as well as help drive growth in the region. In addition to this, the Atlantic Immigration Program establish Atlantic Canada to become a leading destination for both skilled workers and international graduates.
With that, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada work continuously with the employers as well as provincial governments to make sure that transactions between the pilot and the permanent program will run smoothly.