IRCC Updates Instructions of Study Permit

 In News

March 1, 2022 – The IRCC has updated the instructions and include students who do on-campus work such as research or teaching assistants at facilities that are located off-campus but are still considered as working on campus, and individuals who are yet to submit an immigration medical exam (IME) as required for their study permit application, will all be required to undergo one given that their on-campus work will take place in a hospital, or other location where public health protection is essential.

What is on-campus work? it is when an individual occurs at employment facilities within the vicinity of the campus. Students are only permitted to do work on the campus of the educational institution where they are registered as a full-time student. Other colleges and universities have campuses located in different cities, however, the student is only restricted to work on the institution’s campus where they are registered as a full-time student. In addition to this, students may also work on campus as either teaching or research assistants and they may be located at a library, hospital, or research facility that is affiliated with their institution but is located outside the physical boundaries of the campus. This is only allowed if the student will be able to prove that the work is strictly related o the student’s research grant.

Keep in mind that students need to have an asocial insurance number (SIN) to be able to work in Canada. For them to be able to apply for a SIN for on-campus employment, they must hold a valid study permit, and they can submit an application for SIN before or within the first 3 days of their employment.


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