Canada Achieves Its Goal and Lands 401,000 Immigrants in 2021
In a news released by the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada, it has been confirmed that Canada has landed more than 400,000 new permanent residents this year, the IRCC has achieved its goal by focusing on making temporary residents who are living in Canada during the pandemic to permanent residents status. this accomplishment of the IRCC is only the second time since it was founded as a country way back in 1867.
Before the occurrence of the pandemic, the government of Canada has set its goal to welcome 341,000 new immigrants in 2020, however, due to the pandemic, the government has only landed 184,000. Because of that, immigration has to support the post-pandemic economy of Canada by announcing that their target would be 401,000 new permanent residents for 2021.
This year, the IRCC has been able to meet its Immigration Levels Plan target through a technicality. There are two ways on how a landing can occur, one is by a temporary resident in Canada that sees their legal status change to permanent residence. And the second one is by arriving in Canada from another country and officially gaining permanent resident status. Before the pandemic, most of Canada’s new immigrants came overseas, however this year, the IRCC has put their center of attention on transitioning the ones who are already in the country for them to achieve their goal for newcomers.
In 2021, The IRCC’s top priority is to achieve the landing of the 401,000 newcomer target, now that the IRCC has achieved its goal, the department will broaden its priorities following the release of a new mandate letter.