Canada Allocates Financial Support for Newcomers
To help all newcomers harmonize and add to Canada’s local as well as to its economy and communities, the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is set to provide financial support amounting to $100 million. The said fund aims to help fund newcomers in Canada to ensure that they will be able to meet their needs during this pandemic.
The said funding was made possible through the use of the Immigration Department’s Service Delivery Improvement (SDI) program. New projects that were offered by settlement service providers in areas such as language training, needs assessment, skills development, community connections, information, and employment-related services were funded by the SDI program.
IRCC has selected 78 projects under the 2020 funding process and among those selected projects are the ones that test whether artificial intelligence can also be used to flourish settlement strategies to be used for new immigrants.
Canadian government centers on helping people to overcome specific hurdles that a newcomer may experience; particularly, being able to learn the English or French language, finding a suitable job, finding their own housing, and help them generally succeed in Canada. These settlement services that were provided by the Canadian government are for the people who arrived in Canada that have a status of economic immigrants under the family class sponsorship or as a refugee and protected person. These settlement services that were funded by the IRCC are also available to all permanent residents as well as protected persons in Canada.
A report says more than a million newcomers in Canada received a settlement service during the period of April 1, 2025, to March 31, 2019, and the majority of the recipients found this service really helpful and appropriate to all their needs. It was said that through these services, newcomers had enhanced their knowledge of life in Canada and were able to improve their English or French language that effectively helped them for the Canadian labor market leading them to have connections with different organizations within their community.
Starting this year, Canada aims to welcome at least 401,000 new immigrants per year and this is part of the Canadian government’s 2021-2023 Immigration Levels Plan. Roughly $2 billion per year was spent by the IRCC solely on grants and contributions related to settlement programs and it is the highest amount around the world, making it the most aggressive immigration plan in Canadian history.