Canada’s Immigration Programs and COVID-19
Despite Canada’s travel restrictions and challenges from the previous year due to the global pandemic, there still have been high numbers of invitations to apply for Canadian residency. This year, Canadian Immigration already anticipates that this will still continue and more foreign nationals will be able to immigrate through Canada’s Express Entry System.
Canada welcomed a total of 34,000 new immigrants in 2019 and continued to accept high volume of immigrants at the start of 2020 but global pandemic happened and Canada’s immigration system was overturned.
Since the pandemic is still around, Canada’s immigration firm will not return to normal until it’s over. With the approval of several vaccines, the end of the pandemic is in sight. Last December, Canada began the largest vaccination campaign and they aim to vaccinate all those who want to avail of immunization against COVID-19 by September of this year. Vaccination of Canada’s residents will be one component to return the country including the immigration system to its normal state; while another factor is ensuring that the global population as well as foreign nationals who are travelling to Canada are virus-free.
With the emergence of vaccines, Canadian government can possibly explore new travel restrictions to the country’s newcomers such as accepting foreign visitors or immigrants who have already received COVID-19 vaccine and tested negative to the virus before entering the country. The country’s newcomers are needed to support Canada’s post COVID-19 economic recovery and this could help the country’s much needed economy boost.
Due to this global pandemic, new mandate letters from Canada’s Prime Minister was delayed but it is possible that the letters will be unveiled this month and we can get a clearer picture of Canada’s immigration system. With all this, Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau continues to remind the residents to not let their guard down even with the occurrence of the vaccine.